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Active participation

Instructions for abstracts
Abstracts send only electronically in open MS Word format to e-mails: and


Deadline for submitting abstracts: 15. 3. 2024.

  • Font: Calibri, 11 points
  • Line spacing: simple
  • Abstract title
  • Write the names of the authors: the initial of the first name, then surname
  • Underline the name of the presenting author. (e.g. J. Novák1, Nováková Božena2).
  • 1Workplace, 2Workplace

Recomendet structure of abstract

  • Introduction
  • The aim of the work
  • Patients and methodology
  • Results
  • Conclusion

  • Max. 250 words (only abstract text without title author’s name and workplace)
  • Tables and figures must be in separate attachments
  • Mark the file name with the surname of the presenting author. If the author has more than one presentation, use numbering after the name. E.g. Novak1.doc
  • Please tell us what form of presentation you prefer: lecture/poster
  • Part of the abstract is a short CV (800 sign) + actual photo
  • Authors who do not deliver the abstract in the required form and term will not be included in the abstract book